golf standing with a golf club with the right lenght

Choosing the right golf club length is crucial for any golfer's performance and comfort on the course, much like finding the perfect fit for a pair of jeans. This guide will walk you through the importance of golf club length, various methods to determine the most suitable size, and the role of professional fitting versus self-assessment.

Importance of Golf Club Length

The correct golf club length directly impacts your stance, swing, and overall game quality. Playing with golf clubs that don't fit can lead to discomfort, poor performance, and even injuries. Understanding the significance of matching golf club length with your height is the first step towards improving your golfing experience.

How To Determine The Right Golf Club Lenght

Height-Based Golf Club Sizing

Most golfers start with a height-based golf club length chart. This simple method provides a good starting point, although it's not the most precise. The chart typically suggests club length adjustments based on the golfer's height, offering a quick reference for newcomers.

Golfer's Height (feet and inches)   Suggested Club Length Adjustment
Under 5'0" -2 inches
5'0" to 5'2" -1.5 inches
5'3" to 5'5" -1 inch
5'6" to 5'8" -0.5 inches
5'9" to 6'0" Standard Length
6'1" to 6'3" +0.5 inches
6'4" to 6'6" +1 inch
Over 6'6" +1.5 inches


Read also: All The Types of Golf Clubs: A Definitive Guide on Clubs

Wrist-to-Floor Measurement

For a more accurate sizing method, the wrist-to-floor (WTF) measurement offers a tailored approach. This technique takes into account the length from your wrist to the floor, providing a more personalized club length that aligns with your physique and swing style.

Adjustments for Golf Club Length & Lie

It's essential to note that a golfer's height isn't the sole factor in determining club length. Adjustments for the lie angle are often necessary to accommodate disproportionate arm or leg lengths. These intricacies highlight that golf fitting is a nuanced process, deserving attention to detail.

Read also: Golf Club Angles: The Essential Guide on Golf Club Lofts

Swing weight and Its Influence on Club Length and Lie

Swing weight plays a significant role in the feel and performance of a golf club. Altering the length or line of a club can impact its swingweight, affecting the player's comfort and efficiency.


golf player hitting a golf ball with a golf club adequate for his height


Unique Fitting Situations

Exceptional fitting needs arise from unique individual playing styles and physical characteristics. A story, such as "Mike's," can illustrate the vast range of golfer needs and the importance of custom fitting over generalized charts and measurements.

Professional Fitting vs. Self-Assessment

While professional fittings offer the most personalized recommendations, self-assessment methods have their place. For those unable or unwilling to seek professional fitting, understanding the basics of golf club sizing can lead to improved game performance and comfort.


Finding the correct golf club length goes beyond simply matching your height with a chart. It requires consideration of various factors, including wrist-to-floor measurements, swing weight, and lie adjustments.

Remember, customization is key to optimizing performance and comfort on the golf course. Explore Just Golf Stuff’s collection of golf clubs, putters, irons, and more to find your perfect fit.

With a variety of options and expert advice available, you're sure to find clubs that enhance your game!

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